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vitami:m Kultur- und Organisationsentwicklung Beratung Zürich

vitami:m is your
Future of Work partner.

We accompany people,
teams and organisations to
future-proof forms of
collaboration and leadership.

vitami:m, original vitameme ['vıtɘmiːm], composed of vitamin ['vıtɘmɪn],
an organic compound that an organism needs to function and remain healthy; and meme ['miːm], a cultural artefact that spreads from person to person through imitation.

vitami:m, healthy culture

A healthy culture leads people, teams and organisations as a whole into their potential.


Our world is becoming increasingly dynamic and organisations are facing major challenges. They need to be adaptable in order to deal with change and complexity. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to be perceived as an attractive employer and to attract and retain the right talent.

Are you wondering whether the way you collaborate in your organisation is still viable for the future? Do your structures, your culture and your understanding of leadership need an update?

vitami:m accompanies people, teams and organisations into the new world of work. With organisation and culture development, team development and coaching. For a future-proof work environment that unfolds potential.

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Future of Work Foundations
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Culture Transformation
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New Forms of Collaboration
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Coaching and Sparring
vitami:m Kultur- und Organisationsentwicklung Beratung Zürich

Hi & welcome!

I am Nadja Kaderli. Organisational psychologist,
certified coach (CPCC) and founder of vitami:m.


In my work with organisations, teams and individuals, I combine my expertise in organisational psychology and economics with several years of consulting and practical experience in the fields of organisational development, culture development and agile organisation design. 

I am purpose-driven and authentic. My style is open and direct, always at eye level and guided by empathy. I dig deep and see far. The jointly defined goal I pursue with persistence.

Co-creative. Connecting. Holistic.

Depending on the scope of the project,
I involve my partner network.

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Let's talk!


Nadja Kaderli

Haldenstrasse 137, 8055 Zurich

+41 79 281 23 11

Thank you very much!

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